Today I gave a 12 minute lightning talk about getting ready for PHP7.2 in Helsinki for WordCamp Nordic.
I always upload my slides to SpeakerDeck but I have realised that the slides resources are not clickable.
So I’ve linked all the resources from links are listed below.
- WordCamp London 2015: Lorna Jane Mitchell: Get Ready for PHP 5.4+ (video)
- Lorna Jane Mitchell: Get Ready for PHP 5.4+ Slides
- Your hosting providers documentation
- php.net/manual
- https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/#how-to-use
- Cloudways How to Upgrade From PHP 5.X to PHP 7 (Cheat Sheet)
- Auth0: Migrating a PHP5 app to PHP7 by Prosper Otemuyiwa (PDF)
- How to Set up Modern PHP Coding Standards for WordPress | Thorsten Frommen