Today I’ve move my hosting to something I’m going to maintain myself again.
It’s been a while since I bothered to actually deal with any hosting providers of any sorts.
Work has a servers team, and beforehand all my personal sites have been hosted on my partner’s server. Both these things were making me insanely lazy when it came to caring about hosting and running a site.
I figured it was making me rusty and out of touch with what people have to deal with.
I’ve not seen a cpanel in such a long time! It hasn’t changed a bit! Still the same ugly 90s icons. It’s like a little time warp.
Moving server I decided to build teh site from scratch.
Things i did :
– use wp auto installerto install a multisite setup using sub directories. ( It didn’t give me a choice )
– forgot to save the admin password that was geenrated so ended up adding ssh keys to be able to ssh into the box via terminal and use wp-cli to update the user’s password.
– Set up domain mapping plugin
– Use to understand how to set up domain mapping for domains registered on Gandi and the site hosted on SiteGround. The article details how to do it for a site being moved, but in my case, everything was from scratch.
- There was some notable doh moments.
- Wasn’t sure if Let’s Encrypt is a domain issue or a hosting issue – It’s hosting.
- Needed to create a Let’s Encrypt Cert for every domain. There is a Cpanel icon to do just that; keep scrolling down in Cpanel to find it.
- Set up DNS records on the domain registar to point to SiteGround
- use cpanel’s <code>add-on domain</code> to link the domain hosting to the WordPress installation of the primary site
- SSH key password doesn’t seem to like the auto generated passwords that i created with 1password. I suspect there was a symbol i needed to escape but i couldnt be bothered so just used the built in password generator in SiteGround’s SSH Key generator to get a password it would be happy with and saved it to 1password. It seems like an obvious thing, but I’m too used to creating all my passwords via 1password.
- Waiting for DNS to update.